Backyard Party

So, when we throw a party in our backyard you have to think of the food, music and lights! Well… once it gets dark… then what? How about this cool idea?

Outdoor Summer Parties

I saw this again on Pinterest and I had to post about it! Of course this is Martha Stewart’s idea. Martha Stewart Living, July 2006 Light Columns How-To 1. Purchase a bamboo stick or dowel that’s 6 feet long and 1 inch in diameter. Drive the pole deep into...

Baby Shower

Of course, once again I saw this on Pinterest…  But so cute!                       Have the doctor seal the result of your sonogram in an envelope then give it to a baker and have them make a cake either...

Favorite Things Party

Of course I saw this idea on Pinterest… and I can’t wait to do it with my girlfriends. So you invite your girls, or guys over and ask them to bring one of their favorite things, enough for everyone, suggestion is between $5 and $10 each. Then you have a...