Flagstaff Blues and Brews!!!!

Guess  What????   We’re only 155 days way from the 2nd Annual Flagstaff Blues and Brews!!!! I think I may have just dropped Jennifer, but I’m so excited!   Of course we have a lot to do!   We have sponsorships to wrap up, talent to book, stages to set up, marketing to...

Flagstaff Oktoberfest

Hoist a beer stein, buy a chicken hat, eat amazing food, and drink lots of beer. You are pretty much guaranteed to have a good time! Then throw in the beautiful fall weather and you really could not go wrong with the Flagstaff Oktoberfest. This was the 5th annual...


In the midst of the craziness, I found that I was smiling to myself. What made me so happy? Doing exactly what I came to college for. Three months ago I started packing for college. Not knowing where life would take me when I got to Flagstaff, I was excited, yet...

Glückliches Oktoberfest!

Working Oktoberfest was a fantastic learning experience. It was my first event with Peak Events and although it was a busy and exhausting couple of days, I had so much fun and learned what all goes into a festival like Oktoberfest. Friday morning, 10:00am, bright and...

Flagstaff Oktoberfest

Thank you for an amazing 2013 Flagstaff Oktoberfest!   I am still smiling from all the fun and seeing so many wonderful people enjoy our festival.   Where do I begin?   A great big DANKE to all the sponsors, vendors, volunteers, staff, musical acts and our fabulous...