Arizona’s Winter Wonderland!
It’s 3 days before Christmas and we woke up to snow. We woke up to snow falling and the prediction of another 4 days of snow before it moves on out. Maybe that’s why the governor proclaimed Flagstaff, Arizona’s Winter Wonderland! And Peak Events was lucky enough...
Christmas 2015
Christmas is a week away and I’m not ready. In fact, I’m behind and it feels like I’ll never catch up and get out from under this huge to do list. People are stopping by, girlfriends want to meet up for coffee and I feel overwhelmed. And then I received a text...
December 2015 Peak Events Update
Happy Holidays! The Peak Events Team has been busy! 3 of our interns are busy with finals week and happy that winter vacation is almost here! Elizabeth (who has graduated) is busy with work and saving money for her Europe Trip in the summer! As for Mom and I... well...
November Wedding
Well as some of you might have seen from our Facebook Page, we recently helped coordinate a wedding. And yes we make it clear we don't plan weddings... but this was a friend of mine so I couldn't say no. Emily and Chris got engaged while vacating in Italy. I know......
7th Annual Flagstaff Oktoberfest
The 7th Annual Flagstaff Oktoberfest was a huge hit... yet again! We want to thank everyone who came out to enjoy the festival. We had great weather, brats were yummy and hot thanks to Satchmo's BBQ and the beer was ice cold! Our contests of course were another huge...
Flagstaff Oktoberfest
Going into Oktoberfest I have to admit I was a little terrified because I have never done an event that was this big or that was this extreme. I knew that Oktoberfest was an event that was important to Peak Events and I wanted to be my best to make sure the event was...
Star Party
Star Party was an event unlike anything that I have ever been to before. This was the first event that I ever did with Peak Events which made me both scared and excited. I didn’t know what to expect going into this event, but by the end of it I was so excited to start...
2015 Flagstaff Oktoberfest
Before Peak Events, I had never worked a festival, let alone such a big festival! The buildup for this event was a little bit nerve-racking. We had countless meetings going over the different parts of the event and where we would be stationed and how to work each...
Dark Sky Party
Going into the Star Party, I didn’t have any idea what to expect. This was my first event with Peak Events and I didn’t really know much about it. We started out at the front tent, signing in volunteers and astronomers and assigning them their spot along the path. We...
Flagstaff’s Dark Sky Coalition Star Party
Kicking off my very first event working with Peak Events was the Star Party! I thought it was a great first event to work, easing me into the world of events. It was an event perfect for Flagstaff; three days of about 15-30 telescopes set up around our beautiful...