This year was my second year doing the Flagstaff Star Party. Last year, it was my very first event with Peak Events and I was a little timid and afraid of the event world. This year, I walked into Star Party much more confident and sure of myself. I knew everything that needed to be done and had no worries about doing something wrong, because I knew I was doing things right. On the first night of the Star Party, it poured rain all day long. By the time we got to Buffalo Park, it was very wet, muddy, and grey. For a little while, we weren’t sure if there would be much to see if the event went on, but we decided that rain or shine, we would be doing it! There weren’t too many telescopes out that night, and sometimes the sky was very cloudy, but at other times, it cleared up enough to be able to see a few planets and constellations. It was a little bit more intimate than the Star Party normally is, because there weren’t as many people. But the people who did come still had a great time. On the second night, it was much clearer, however much colder as well. But there was around 3 times the amount of people from the first night that came on the second night. I personally love the Star Party because I think that it’s such a cool event that is free to the public, and is very educational but also so much fun. The best part of all of it is hearing everyone talk about how much fun they had had and how much they love the event. As wet as it was on the first night, and as cold as it was on the second night, I would say that the Star Party was a huge success and I am so excited for next year! 
