Recently I attended the Career Fair for Hotel and Restaurant Management. There were about 40 companies that were there to recruit the students in the school. Networking is HUGE for not only finding a job, but to work with companies in general. Making relationships is a big part of planning events. Although you have a team of great people helping out with an event, the people you network with are the ones that a truly going to make your event complete. When you first walk up to a table with a recruiter, you have to go into thinking what you want out of the conversation. First impressions are honestly one of the most important parts of networking; because once they have an idea about you it is hard for them to change their mind after.  The most important thing to do before walking up to a booth is to breathe, be open, and be yourself. After that first initial contact, the rest will develop on it’s own. You never know how they can help you in your future!
