Today I woke up thinking about a different approach to a wedding…

A chapter of my life was a most amazing involvement with race horses.  Not only the love of horses, but the excitement of ownership, being in the barn, parties, the track on race day and of course winning!  But the most magical part of this chapter was the surprising turn of events that brought me in the end to the Kentucky Derby, mother of all races!  It’s quite a story of how this all happened, but in the end one of my best friends had an old friend who was a coach at the university in Louisville.  Through him we were treated to this once in a life time events in a way most celebrities weren’t shown. Of course having a horse from our trainer’s stables made it even more exciting. It was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had.  But enough of me, here is where my brain came into action today.

The love of horses is nothing new, I don’t live in Kentucky, my horses and connections are long gone, but why not theme a wedding around something as beautiful as the Derby? 






The colors are exciting, beautiful, and bold. 









Of course the oddity of hats has always been one of the biggest attractions of the Derby but why not for a wedding? 

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The bride, the bridesmaids would be different and elegant.  It doesn’t need to look like Queen Elizabeth, but Kate Middleton looks more than glamorous in the hats she has chosen!  You don’t need to serve mint juleps to use the gorgeous glasses, but what a different theme it creates!  Each table can consist of colors as in the silks worn by jockeys, it rivals the colors of yacht club burgees! 







Think outside the box, why would everyone want the same traditional wedding gig if you can make a most unforgettable reception?  It’s a glorious celebration, treat it so!  Dare to be different, but don’t forget style and class can go hand in hand, toss in some color and viola!  

So to you all cheers, and Win the Day!
