Hello all!

Well here it is, my blog following my journey to becoming an Event Planner. I know, I know, not the typical profession, and not the most respected either. I’m not sure the exact point in my life when I knew this is what I wanted to do, but here I am. 

I would identify myself as a Type-A personality. I’m the type of person who has to finish one side dish on her plate before moving on to the next. Organization is sexy to me. Color coordination makes me giddy. My books and DVDs are alphabetized. I can’t help myself, I’m a bit of a control freak. Amongst my friends, I’m definitely the planner. I organize dinners, game nights and road trips. I learned the importance of events as most people do: by having a big ass family. In my family I have been exposed to event planning since I was little, growing up with 17 first cousins in a large Catholic family which has grown into five yearly gatherings of 40 people. I have been making seating charts and centerpieces since I was 8 years old. Themes, menus and agendas quickly became second nature to me and before I knew it, I was helping to put on full blown events for friends and family. 

I soon realized that I was really good at putting on events. I was not only managing in chaos, I was thriving in it. I learned that I work best when I’m busy. When there are to do lists with scroll bars and timelines for days, I am completely happy. My photography and pastry skills increased my knowledge and exposed me to other types of events. Every wedding, banquet, birthday or graduation party I attended, I loved. The idea of being a part of someone’s special occasion, sharing in their excitement, seemed like such a blast to me. I knew almost immediately that this was something that I loved doing, and I kicked ass at, and so I decided to make a career out of it. This, as I would soon learn, was a bit of an undertaking.  
