Beer, brats, music, and fun all 6,300 plus of our attendees of all ages had a great time at Oktoberfest and so did I. It was a beautiful day to drink beer and listen to Polka music and I was able to watch all of the hilarious contests that went on that day! By far my favorite two contests were the beer stein holding and the brat eating contests. The women’s beer stein was intense, those ladies are strong and held those up till their arms were goanna fall off. The brat-eating contest was so fun and crazy 7 brats in 3 minutes was how many the winner ate. I got to try one of Satchmo’s brats later on and they sure were good!

At Oktoberfest I had the pleaser of being in charge of the volunteer area and organizing what each helper would be doing. Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers we had that day the festival went as smoothly as a festival can.
